WHY DO YOU PRAY? HOW DO YOU PRAY? WHAT DO YOU PRAY? These questions have occupied a lot of my thinking time recently. A few months ago, I embarked on a personal quest to reclaim Christianity from so-called “Christians.” I realize that I’ve let them hijack one of the most important tools of my religious […]
We Must Re-Horrify the Sin of Homosexuality
Linda Harvey is a woman on a mission.Through her organization Mission: America, she takes up the standard torch of the far right, bashing the triumvirate of evil: gays, Planned Parenthood and Muslims. On her weekly talk show, she recently lamented that acceptance of gay people seems to be widespread despite her efforts to paint us […]
Why One Gay Conversion Story Doesn’t Mean You Can Pray Away the Gay
My comments on this week’s viral video: You might not agree with the content and message, but it’s helpful to know thy enemy. It’s been cold in my hometown of South Carolina for the past couple weeks, so my brother sent me this text: Trump has only been in office 1 year and already fixed […]