Jazz Fitzgerald was fired because her sexuality was viewed as a risk to students at her conservative Christian college

“I’m attracted to women,” Jazz Fitzgerald told a friend at their conservative Christian college. Jazz was forced into weekly therapy where her counselors probed to find the root cause of Jazz’s sexuality. She was told that she was broken and needed to be fixed. She could never know the fullness of God unless she had a husband.

She pushed her feelings down deep and became the poster child of ex-gay therapy on campus. But the repudiation of her sexuality wasn’t enough. Based on fears that she could be a risk to students because of her sexual orientation and not because of any conduct, Jazz was fired from her position as a campus resident advisor. Losing her job and her home in less than 48 hours caused Jazz to become severely depressed and she had a breakdown.

But after a close friend came out to her as lesbian, Jazz realized that happiness and fullness could only come by being true to herself.

Her desire is that all people can see her humanity: her desires for family, for an emotional connection with another person and for a community.  We talk about the dangers of seeing others as labels and not people.

She is a champion for helping find connections between the LGBTQIA+ and faith communities. She founded You Are Welcome Here and is planning a conference for people of all faiths to be held in Denver, October 4 and 5, 2018.  The website has links to her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.